Computer Science 20 - Saskatchewan¶
- 1. Introduction to Scratch (Broadcasts)
- 2. Controlling a Character with WASD (Repetition and Conditionals)
- 3. Chase the Mouse and Drawing Polygons (Repeat and If/Else)
- 4. Drawing Polygons - Part 2 (Variables and Nested Repeat)
- 5. Tracing Code and Cannonball Motion (Repeat Until)
- 6. Making a Start Screen (Repeat, If/Else, Broadcast)
- 7. Timing Issues and Dodging Game (Broadcasts and Variables)
- 8. Project Work Period
- 9. Built-In Variables (Tempo, Answer and Timer)
- 10. Number Guessing Game (Pair Programming)
- 11. Making Your Own Blocks (Functions)
- 12. Student Directed Project
- Step 0: Transitioning To Text
- Step 1: Move Reeborg Home and Saving Your Work
- Step 2: Taking and Putting Down Objects
- Step 3: Turning Left and Stepping Through Code
- Step 4: Comments
- Step 5: Defining New Functions
- Step 6: Saving Functions in the Library
- Step 7: Thinking and Birthday Message
- Step 8: Asking Questions
- Step 9: Repeating Instructions
- First Practice Quiz -
- Step 10: Jumping Hurdles (repeat and functions)
- Step 11: If/Else
- Step 12: While
- Step 13: If/Elif/Else
- Step 14: The
Keyword - Step 15: It’s Going to Rain
- Step 16: Pseudocode
- Step 17: Solving a Maze
- Step 18: Harvest Time Revisited
- Step 19: Second Lake Walk
- Step 20: Another Rainy Day
- More Challenges
- Second Practice Quiz
Python - Getting Started¶
- 1. Quick Python Overview
- 2. Variables, Data Types, and User Input
- 3. Conditionals
- 4. Input/Output Assignment
- 5. String Operators and Assignment Work Time
- 6. Other Input Methods (easygui_qt)
- 7. Which Quotes to Use When Creating Strings
- 8. The
Statement - 9. Our First Turtle Program
- 10. Multiple Turtles and
Loops - 11. Logical Operators
- 12. The Time Module and Using a Micro:bit
Python - Turtle Drawings (Loops and Functions)¶
Python - Functions in Detail¶
Python - Micro:bit and More Functions¶
Python - Image Processing¶
Python - Strings¶
Python - Lists¶
Student-Directed Research¶
Student-Directed Research
End of Semester Review¶
Computing and Society¶
Computing and Society
Career Exploration¶
Career Exploration