HTML and CSS Practice Quiz
- CS20-CS1 Explore the underlying technology of computing devices and the Internet, and their impacts on society.
html-css-quiz1: What does HTML stand for?
- Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language
- Try again!
- Hyper Text Markup Language
- Great!
- Home Tool Markup Language
- Try again!
html-css-quiz2: Choose the correct HTML element for the largest heading:
- <h6>
- The higher the number, the smaller the heading. Try again!
- <head>
- The head element can include a title for the document and CSS styles, but will not hold a heading.
- <heading>
- Try again!
- <h1>
- Great!
html-css-quiz3: What is the correct HTML for creating a hyperlink?
- <a></a>
- Try again!
- <a href="">W3Schools</a>
- Great!
- <a name=""></a>
- Try again!
- <a url=""></a>
- Try again!
html-css-quiz4: Which character is used to indicate an end tag?
- *
- Try again!
- /
- Great!
- <
- Try again!
- ^
- Try again!
html-css-quiz5: Inline elements are normally displayed without starting a new line.
- True
- Great!
- False
- Try again!
html-css-quiz6: Which tag is used when creating a list with a specific order (by default, will show up as a numbered list)?
- <dl>
- Try again!
- <ul>
- ul stands for an Unordered List. Try again!
- <list>
- Try again!
- <ol>
- Great!
html-css-quiz7: Which tag would you generally use to make a list of items that have no particular order (by default, will show up as a bullet list)?
- <dl>
- Try again!
- <ul>
- Great!
- <list>
- Try again!
- <ol>
- ol stands for Ordered List. Try again!
html-css-quiz8: What is the correct HTML for inserting an image?
- <image src="image.gif" alt="A Saskatchewan flag picture.">
- Great!
- <img href="image.gif" alt="A Saskatchewan flag picture.">
- Try again!
- <img src="image.gif">
- You should include an alt attribute every time you include an image. Try again!
- <img alt="A Saskatchewan flag picture.">image.gif</img>
- Try again!
html-css-quiz9: Block elements are normally displayed without starting a new line.
- False
- Great!
- True
- Try again!
html-css-quiz10: Which HTML element defines the title of a document?
- <meta>
- Try again!
- <head>
- Try again!
- <title>
- Great!
- <h1>
- Try again!
html-css-quiz11: Where in an HTML document is the correct place to include CSS in your HTML?
- In the <body> section
- Try again!
- At the top of the document
- Try again!
- In the <head> section
- Great!
- At the end of the document
- Try again!
html-css-quiz12: If you want to use a background color for your entire webpage, which tag should you select in your CSS?
- <body>
- Great!
- <html>
- Try again!
- <h1>
- Try again!
- <p>
- Try again!
Next Section - Digital Security and Privacy Implications